วันพุธที่ 25 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Chinchilla Habitat Information

The origin of Chinchillas can be traced to Chile, a South American country. These furry creatures particularly originated from the Andes Mountains. The natural Chinchilla habitat includes rocks and burrows. Their agility allowed them to jump high and live in such highly elevated areas. Since they live in the mountains, Chins have to deal with different kinds of threats particularly predators like snakes, bird of preys, and canines. Like most animals, Chinchillas have different defence mechanisms to protect themselves from various threats. They usually spray their urine and release fur in order to escape their predators.

Chinchillas feed on a diet consisting of insects, seeds, and plants. Those that have the cage as Chinchilla habitat thus are often required by experts to be given with a hay-based diet. Giving other food to these pets may give them problems with their digestive tract. In their natural habitat, Chinchillas often group themselves into herds. Like most animals, Chins have the ability to breed at any point in the year.

Given their smooth fur and lovable personality, Chins have become popular choices as pets. Many people particularly in the United States choose Chins as their pets. Thus a cage can be considered as a Chinchilla habitat. However pet owners should look into several things to ensure that the cages they have for their Chins are appropriate and safe enough for these little creatures.

The foremost thing to consider when choosing a cage for a Chin is the height. The cage should be tall enough for the Chins to scale the bars, and wide enough for them to run around. Since Chins are very active when inside their cage, a cage should have ledges and shelves. The cage to be considered a safe Chinchilla habitat should have wire-based sides since Chins usually chomp on them. Having wood bases can result to poisoning on the part of the animal. Chins should also not be brought to the pet owner's bedroom since they are hyperactive at night, and thus will only disturb any person during sleep.

In their natural habitat, Chinchillas love to climb and run around. The same goes for captive Chins. Pet owners should give their Chins enough time to roam around outside their cages. This should be done at night, when the animals are most active. An ideal Chinchilla habitat such as the cage should also have several ramps where these animals can play around. Pet owners should make sure that the ramps are strong enough to carry the load of the Chins.

Any pet owner who wants to keep Chins as pets should realize that Chins can be very hyperactive, and thus they will have their hands full in controlling these pets. By nature, Chins are inquisitive and curious. Giving toys and treats is a great way of keeping the Chins busy. But toys should not be of the poisonous kind such as plastic types.

Keeping the Chinchilla habitat clean, safe, and filled with treats should keep these furry creatures satisfied and happy inside their cages.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Anacondas - A Prey Slow Memorial Encounter Not to Miss!

Anacondas are highly efficient carnivorous predators. They sheer mass there belies with speed when it comes to capturing their prey and getting there meal. How an anaconda kills is an amazing sight to behold. These creatures live near bodies of water such as streams, rivers, marshes, swamps, ditches and bogs.

They do not stalk their prey nor hunt it down. Instead, they wait for an available animal to wander close and then they attack. Animals falling victim to anacondas either already share the natural habitat of the waterway with the snakes or come close to their habitat in order to find food themselves or drink.

Anacondas can move relatively fast, especially when considering their size when they are in the water. They are much slower on land. So aquatic animals such as fish, frogs and turtles are easy prey for such feared animal! The larger animals the anacondas eat are caught because of the camouflage, stealth and strength of such animal.

Anacondas can slither near the edge of the water, keeping submerged until the last moment. Their natural coloring blends in with the area around them, allowing them to be camouflaged and difficult to see. An unsuspecting bird or land animal may get too close and suddenly find themselves in a death grip without an additional second of survival hope.

For an anaconda kill to occur, the snake coils its powerful body around the victim. Although the snake has teeth, there teeth are not venomous and they can't kill or tear the flesh of the prey. Instead the anaconda holds the animal to maintain its grip and devours its prey slowly to make it a slow and terrible death.

The snake may submerge the victim causing it to drown but all the while the anaconda will slowly squeeze the life out of the animal. As a member of the boa constrictor family, the anaconda uses similar tactics for killing. It uses its body to restrict airflow and circulation of the blood. The victim will either suffocate, drown or be crushed to death. Like explained, in just an instance, the death is a slow yet painful process.

Once the anaconda kill is successful, the snake will commence eating its victim. It usually starts at the head and begins devouring its prey whole, swallowing it until it is completely ingested. The animal will now be digested. This is something that needs to be done quickly else it will rot and cause the anaconda to die of food poisoning. The food is generally either digested quickly or regurgitated. This is a natural process that is highly efficient.

There have been instances of anacondas attacking people but the cases cited are very rare. Currently there are no known, verifiable accounts of an actual anaconda kill on a human victim. The anaconda instead prefers a diet of aquatic animals, birds, rodents, pigs and even jaguars.

Anacondas are able to go long periods of time without eating if necessary. However, they are also not picky eaters, choosing victims based entirely on their availability and ease of attack. Whenever an animal strays too close to one of these snakes, the odds of an anaconda kill are imminent.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 19 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Sugar glider man mini pilot

as tyrany goes threwout the world a sucrose based hero is here to stop the stupidity and laugh while doing it

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วันจันทร์ที่ 16 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

How to make a sugar glider ladder

I found some sticks in an old box and decided to make a ladder for my soon to be sugar gliders. Enjoy! Comment, rate and subscribe! Also visit my channel!

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วันศุกร์ที่ 13 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Pile of Baby Sugar Gliders (mnrarepets.com)

Our four joeys born in the trio of Rocky the male WFB, Stella the grey, Luna the champagne .

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วันอังคารที่ 10 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Guinea Pig Bedding - How to Select the Correct Bedding For Your Guinea Pig

Guinea pig bedding is important for your pet guinea pig especially for its rest and elimination. Various types of bedding can be used. You can select from hay, paper, and shavings. Below is a short guide to choosing the correct bedding to make you guinea pig feel right at home.

If you want to save on the cost, try using wood shavings. There are choices such as pine pellets, aspen and pine shavings. However, in choosing these types, you have to be aware that dust is may accumulate in the guinea pig run. When you plan to use pine shavings, before placing it on the cage, expose them first to the air. Also, if you decide to use shavings, make sure that your cage has good ventilation. This will lessen the possibility of an allergic reaction for your cavy.

The next type of guinea pig bedding is hay. Aside from being a bedding, it can also serve as food for your pet since they love to eat hay. However, if you choose this, be sure that it is not moldy or moist. Also, if the hay is not changed everyday, your pig may be in danger as hay cannot absorb fluids very well.

Aside from these choices, you may also want to consider using paper that has been shredded. Guinea pigs just love the softness of bedding that is made of paper. Through the softness of the paper beddings, they are protected too. If you are worrying about filling the cage with dust, this is a choice to seriously consider since paper will not accumulate or make dust. One thing you need to remember, about the paper to be used is that you should ensure there is no ink in it, as this can be toxic to your pet.

Straw is alright to use for your pet's bedding, but take away those hard straws which may injure your pet.

One type of bedding that is not good for you pet's run is sawdust. This is not a great material because when breathed in or inhaled by your guinea pig, your pet will get ill.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 7 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

More Info on Hermit Crab Food

Answering the nutritional needs of the hermit crab is an essential criterion for proper care of the little crab. However, since this creature is largely omnivorous and has a great variety of food choices, so the food and water supply for the crabs is not a problematic issue at all. The only care that should be taken is that the hermit crab food and water must not contain any toxic or choking elements in them. Another special point to remember is that the land crabs require special nutritional care during the molting phase.

An understanding of the feeding behavior of the crabs is essential in deciding the food for the crabs. First of all, this creature does not eat when he is not hungry. The crab then may play with the food with his antennae and claws but will not take a bite of the food. When they are not hungry, these creatures should not be provided with excess food because the spoilt food will make the enclosure untidy. The reverse of this behavior is observed when this creature is preparing for molting or is plainly very hungry. The crab will then eat voraciously and prepare for the molting stage. Molting is a kind of hibernation for these creatures and they very rarely eat during this time. During molting, the crab especially prefers a diet of vegetables and fruits rich in calcium and carotenoids. The shed exoskeleton is also a favorite diet of the hermit crabs, as the exoskeleton is rich in calcium and chitin. When you have set isolation for the molting crab, do not forget to provide freshwater and fresh food for the molting crab to eat privately (the molting crabs generally come out in the privacy of night to eat and drink).

Land hermit crabs also require freshwater for their nutrition. In fact, the land crabs bathe in a salt water container and drink their freshwater from another container. It is amazing and intriguing to see land-crab drink water by picking the water carefully on his claws and then letting the water roll down to his gills and the mouth. The freshwater provided to these crabs must always be dechlorinated.

The pet store can also be an excellent source of acquiring good food for these creatures. Although there may not be any exclusive hermit crab food, yet the crabs being omnivorous, this problem is automatically solved. What you have to do is to search in the bird and fish enclosure of the pet store and get the hermit crab food that you think the little hermit will like to eat. The zooplanktons, coral deposits, cuttlebones, fish flakes and crushed oyster shells are favorite foods for these creatures. You can also provide the crustaceans with the vitamin-calcium supplements that are found in pet stores. However, remember to crush the food before giving it to the crabs.

The household can also be a supply house of great hermit crab food. A particular delicacy is crushed egg shells that these creatures love to munch upon. The crab favors all kinds of vegetables and fruits, especially those that are rich in calcium and carotenoids. The vegetables and fruits must be chipped to small pieces before giving them to these crabs. Other delicacies preferred by the crabs are unsalted nuts, raisins, leaves, popcorns and grass. You can easily make friends with the hermit crab by offering them the food delicacy directly from your hand.

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วันพุธที่ 4 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Can Ferrets and Dogs Live Together?

Due to their natural predatory instincts, ferrets can sometimes kill your other smaller pets such as hamsters, mice, insects and birds. However, when placed in a disadvantageous situation with a larger animal such as a dog, ferrets can lose out due to their size. However, this is not to say that ferrets and dogs cannot coexist harmoniously. Both animals have friendly dispositions, and there is a high chance that they can live together peacefully. However, there are always exceptions to this theory.

The development of a mutual relationship between ferrets and dogs remains only as a possibility - it is not always definite. There have been situations where a dog welcomes a new ferret into your home, but whether he will bond with the ferret remains to be seen. Inviting a ferret into your home with a territorial dog hanging around can be really dangerous for your little buddy. As a responsible ferret owner, you need to take stringent measures as well as necessary precautions. Always be protective of your ferrets as they have a disadvantage in size against larger dogs.

It is important to evaluate and examine the possibility of your ferret and dog living together in the same house. While there are precedents of ferrets and dogs coexisting peacefully, it is not always the case. When you bring your ferret to a home occupied by dogs, be sure to supervise the pets at all times. Your pet dog must not pose a threat to your ferret.

It is important to note that while dogs are friendly by nature, they are also temperamental. There are some breeds of dogs that want to mark their territories in the house. These breeds of dogs can pose a menacing threat to your ferret, especially the terriers. These dogs are hunters and predatory by nature. Instinctively, they want to hunt down your ferret, so you need to exercise more vigilance in supervising your pets.

Some breeds of dogs are bigger in size compared to ordinary pet dogs. Bringing home a ferret to a huge dog will require you to make plans as the dog can unwittingly hurt your ferret while they are playing. Some dogs are territorial in nature, and they guard their spots with vigilance and determination.

Ferrets, being playful and inquisitive by nature, may want to explore these territories. The dog may view the ferret as intruding on its territory, and it views the small animal as a threat. The ferret will bite the dog in defense, and the dog will react violently. This causes a ruckus and stirs animosity amongst the two animals.

When letting your ferret roam freely around the house, it is good to consider locking your dog up in its cage. This way, you get to enjoy playing with your ferrets without having to worry about your dog threatening them. Additionally, it is important to separate your dog toys from the ferrets so as to protect them from possible attacks of the dogs. Ferret owners are also encouraged to come up with an escape route for the ferrets, one that they can use in the event of a dog attack.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 1 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Chinchilla Care Information Secrets

Like any other pet, Chinchillas must be given special consideration to ensure that they remain healthy and contented during their captivity. It should be noted that these rodents are most active at night, and asleep during the day. Chinchillas are also not recommended to be handled by young children since their fragile bones may be crushed easily. Chins can live up to 20 years, so pet owners should be ready to take good care of them.

Having good Chinchilla care information should help any pet owner in ensuring the well-being and longevity of any Chin. First, pet owners should be wary of the temperature where their Chins are kept. Chins are very sensitive when it comes to temperature, as they cannot withstand temperature of over 75 degrees F. When they are not immediately cooled down, Chins may die. The cage of the animal should thus be kept at a cool place, preferably where there is enough air circulation.

Speaking of cages, Chinchillas should be kept in one that has enough room. These rodents are very hyperactive, and thus any Chinchilla care information should stress the value of having enough space for these rodents to run around. However it is not advisable for these rodents to be placed in an aquarium and even a glass cage since air does not circulate in such types of cages. The ideal size of a Chinchilla cage has dimensions of 2 feet in height and 2 feet in width. The cage should not have big spaces especially on the bottom part since the feet of the rodents may be caught when running.

The diet of the Chin is another priority. Most Chinchilla care information indicates that hay-based diet is the most recommended feed for these furry creatures. Good quality, hay-based pellets are available in most pet shops such as Mazuri, Line, APD, and Tradition. When Chins are given other pellets, they may experience numerous health complications.

Likewise, water should be of good quality when given to Chins. Ideally, water should be purified. Chinchillas are prone to various ailments when they drink tap water. Chins are known to develop giardia which results to diarrhea. Water given to these pets must be fresh. The water must also be changed daily since algae may buildup in the water.

Any Chinchilla care information should also underscore the importance of treats. Treats may include raisins, oats, and cheerios. Treats should not be given more than three times in a week. Too much treats can cause serious health problems like diarrhea and fatty liver. At times, too many treats can risk the life of the Chin. It is also discouraged to give fresh fruits as a treat. Chins also need a dust bath at least twice in a week. The dust bath must be around 10-15 minutes. Dust can be purchased at pet stores.

These are just some of the bits of useful Chinchilla care information that will assist any pet owner that is serious about keeping and maintaining the good life of those furry friends we fondly call as Chins.

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