Maintaining good PH in a reef aquarium is one of the more common challenges. A low PH can negatively affect coral growth and lead to problem algae. There are however a few easy ways to make sure your PH stays at or above 8.0
Good Water Circulation
Maintaining good water movement in your reef tank is critical to keeping your PH high in your reef aquarium. A tank circulation level of 15 to 20 times the tank volume is a great starting point. This means that if you have a 55 gallon tank you want to have a circulation amount of 825 1100 GPH.
You also want to make sure that this flow causes surface agitation. Increased surface agitation will transfer the carbon dioxide out of the water and bring fresh oxygen into the tank.
Proper Stocking Levels
Low PH in a reef aquarium can also be a sign of ow oxygen levels. If increase the surface agitation and water flow levels fail to help you may have to look at your tanks bio load. Fish are one of the biggest users of oxygen in your tank and having to many will have negative effects.
The standard rules of one inch of fish per gallon for stocking freshwater tanks do not apply to marine aquariums for a variety of reasons, this is especially true for reef aquariums. As a good rule of thumb keep your tanks fish load to one fish for every ten gallons of tank water.
The Right Substrate
One easy way to increase your reef tanks PH and hold it steady is to use aragonite sand or gravel in your tank. Aragonite will dissolve at lower PH levels and during this dissolving process it will release minerals and elements back into the tank that will in turn raise the PH. This is why it is critical you only use gravel or sand that is meant for reef tanks and not freshwater based material.
Chemical Additives
If for whatever reason you just cannot raise PH in a reef tank or hold it steady you may have to turn to chemical additives designed to help you out. There are many two part additives on the market that will raise calcium and alkalinity and at the same time increase your tanks PH levels.
A cheap alternative is kalkwasser set up to drip into your tank every few seconds. While it is a pain to mix up and apply it will do a great job at maintaining calcium, alkalinity and PH. But like any chemical you add to your tan start slow and work your way up, and always test the results!