วันอังคารที่ 22 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Saltwater Fish Guide - Setting Up the Aquarium

If you are interested in starting your own saltwater fish aquarium, then the first thing you need to do is to set up the aquarium. This might sound easy, but there is a lot more to it than simply buying a tank, sticking in a few plants and adding water. Saltwater fish are obviously used to certain water temperatures, pH levels and need various elements in order for them to survive. Keeping a aquarium thriving and happy is a difficult task, but just because you are a beginner, doesn't mean that you cannot learn the ropes! Read this saltwater fish guide for a few helpful tips on how to set up your aquarium.

Before you head off to the pet store to purchase your new aquarium, you should take a list of some of the items you will need to set up your tank and these include: an aquarium, a photo background (optional), live sand or crushed coral, live rock, hydrometer or a refractometer, aquarium filter, multiple power heads, heater, protein skimmer, saltwater test kit, fish food, fish net, glass scrubber, aquarium thermometer, power strip, brush, rubber gloves.

This might seem like a lot of equipment for a fish tank, but a saltwater aquarium is a big responsibility and involves time and cost. This means that you should only consider beginning a saltwater aquarium if you are dedicated, hardworking and know you will be able to put in the time, care and money that a saltwater aquarium requires.

Before setting up your aquarium you need to know just what it takes to keep a saltwater tank thriving. You need to feed your fish every day, once a week you will have to change the water and test water quality and the cost can be significant. You should also note that the complete set up of a aquarium can take up to eight weeks to complete before you even think about adding your fish to the tank. But if you are dedicated and are sure that a aquarium is what you want, and then you are ready to begin the task!

Before starting your aquarium set up, you should do a bit of research on the saltwater fish, aquariums and guides that are available on the internet and in book form. There are plenty to choose from and each one will give you helpful tips and hints on how to set up and maintain a saltwater aquarium. Investing in one or two saltwater books is a must!

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