If you have been into fish breeding for quite some time and have a little experience on breeding betta fish, you are probably already aware that breeding betta fish is much different and would require a completely different process as to when breeding any other species of aquarium fish. So in order for you to be able to breed bettas successfully, you will have to follow another process that most experienced betta fish breeders use on how to breed betta fish.
Unlike most common aquarium fishes, betta fishes are more sensitive and have to be treated with extra care considering their violent nature. If the process is not done right, the male betta fish could end up killing the female betta fish if you put them together immediately in one tank. The correct way on how to breed betta fish would begin with having the female placed in a semi submerged jar inside the male's tank. After doing this, the male should start building a nest and should finish within a day.
After the nest is completed, you can now put the female in the male's tank of where the nest is located. After making them share the same tank, the male and the female should then go together inside the nest and start breeding immediately. The male loses its violent instinct at this point and thus, it is safe to have them share the same tank for up to four days. Be mindful not to leave them together for too long as this could risk the life of your female betta.