วันพุธที่ 25 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Chinchilla Habitat Information

The origin of Chinchillas can be traced to Chile, a South American country. These furry creatures particularly originated from the Andes Mountains. The natural Chinchilla habitat includes rocks and burrows. Their agility allowed them to jump high and live in such highly elevated areas. Since they live in the mountains, Chins have to deal with different kinds of threats particularly predators like snakes, bird of preys, and canines. Like most animals, Chinchillas have different defence mechanisms to protect themselves from various threats. They usually spray their urine and release fur in order to escape their predators.

Chinchillas feed on a diet consisting of insects, seeds, and plants. Those that have the cage as Chinchilla habitat thus are often required by experts to be given with a hay-based diet. Giving other food to these pets may give them problems with their digestive tract. In their natural habitat, Chinchillas often group themselves into herds. Like most animals, Chins have the ability to breed at any point in the year.

Given their smooth fur and lovable personality, Chins have become popular choices as pets. Many people particularly in the United States choose Chins as their pets. Thus a cage can be considered as a Chinchilla habitat. However pet owners should look into several things to ensure that the cages they have for their Chins are appropriate and safe enough for these little creatures.

The foremost thing to consider when choosing a cage for a Chin is the height. The cage should be tall enough for the Chins to scale the bars, and wide enough for them to run around. Since Chins are very active when inside their cage, a cage should have ledges and shelves. The cage to be considered a safe Chinchilla habitat should have wire-based sides since Chins usually chomp on them. Having wood bases can result to poisoning on the part of the animal. Chins should also not be brought to the pet owner's bedroom since they are hyperactive at night, and thus will only disturb any person during sleep.

In their natural habitat, Chinchillas love to climb and run around. The same goes for captive Chins. Pet owners should give their Chins enough time to roam around outside their cages. This should be done at night, when the animals are most active. An ideal Chinchilla habitat such as the cage should also have several ramps where these animals can play around. Pet owners should make sure that the ramps are strong enough to carry the load of the Chins.

Any pet owner who wants to keep Chins as pets should realize that Chins can be very hyperactive, and thus they will have their hands full in controlling these pets. By nature, Chins are inquisitive and curious. Giving toys and treats is a great way of keeping the Chins busy. But toys should not be of the poisonous kind such as plastic types.

Keeping the Chinchilla habitat clean, safe, and filled with treats should keep these furry creatures satisfied and happy inside their cages.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Anacondas - A Prey Slow Memorial Encounter Not to Miss!

Anacondas are highly efficient carnivorous predators. They sheer mass there belies with speed when it comes to capturing their prey and getting there meal. How an anaconda kills is an amazing sight to behold. These creatures live near bodies of water such as streams, rivers, marshes, swamps, ditches and bogs.

They do not stalk their prey nor hunt it down. Instead, they wait for an available animal to wander close and then they attack. Animals falling victim to anacondas either already share the natural habitat of the waterway with the snakes or come close to their habitat in order to find food themselves or drink.

Anacondas can move relatively fast, especially when considering their size when they are in the water. They are much slower on land. So aquatic animals such as fish, frogs and turtles are easy prey for such feared animal! The larger animals the anacondas eat are caught because of the camouflage, stealth and strength of such animal.

Anacondas can slither near the edge of the water, keeping submerged until the last moment. Their natural coloring blends in with the area around them, allowing them to be camouflaged and difficult to see. An unsuspecting bird or land animal may get too close and suddenly find themselves in a death grip without an additional second of survival hope.

For an anaconda kill to occur, the snake coils its powerful body around the victim. Although the snake has teeth, there teeth are not venomous and they can't kill or tear the flesh of the prey. Instead the anaconda holds the animal to maintain its grip and devours its prey slowly to make it a slow and terrible death.

The snake may submerge the victim causing it to drown but all the while the anaconda will slowly squeeze the life out of the animal. As a member of the boa constrictor family, the anaconda uses similar tactics for killing. It uses its body to restrict airflow and circulation of the blood. The victim will either suffocate, drown or be crushed to death. Like explained, in just an instance, the death is a slow yet painful process.

Once the anaconda kill is successful, the snake will commence eating its victim. It usually starts at the head and begins devouring its prey whole, swallowing it until it is completely ingested. The animal will now be digested. This is something that needs to be done quickly else it will rot and cause the anaconda to die of food poisoning. The food is generally either digested quickly or regurgitated. This is a natural process that is highly efficient.

There have been instances of anacondas attacking people but the cases cited are very rare. Currently there are no known, verifiable accounts of an actual anaconda kill on a human victim. The anaconda instead prefers a diet of aquatic animals, birds, rodents, pigs and even jaguars.

Anacondas are able to go long periods of time without eating if necessary. However, they are also not picky eaters, choosing victims based entirely on their availability and ease of attack. Whenever an animal strays too close to one of these snakes, the odds of an anaconda kill are imminent.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 19 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Sugar glider man mini pilot

as tyrany goes threwout the world a sucrose based hero is here to stop the stupidity and laugh while doing it

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วันจันทร์ที่ 16 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

How to make a sugar glider ladder

I found some sticks in an old box and decided to make a ladder for my soon to be sugar gliders. Enjoy! Comment, rate and subscribe! Also visit my channel!

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วันศุกร์ที่ 13 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Pile of Baby Sugar Gliders (mnrarepets.com)

Our four joeys born in the trio of Rocky the male WFB, Stella the grey, Luna the champagne .

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วันอังคารที่ 10 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Guinea Pig Bedding - How to Select the Correct Bedding For Your Guinea Pig

Guinea pig bedding is important for your pet guinea pig especially for its rest and elimination. Various types of bedding can be used. You can select from hay, paper, and shavings. Below is a short guide to choosing the correct bedding to make you guinea pig feel right at home.

If you want to save on the cost, try using wood shavings. There are choices such as pine pellets, aspen and pine shavings. However, in choosing these types, you have to be aware that dust is may accumulate in the guinea pig run. When you plan to use pine shavings, before placing it on the cage, expose them first to the air. Also, if you decide to use shavings, make sure that your cage has good ventilation. This will lessen the possibility of an allergic reaction for your cavy.

The next type of guinea pig bedding is hay. Aside from being a bedding, it can also serve as food for your pet since they love to eat hay. However, if you choose this, be sure that it is not moldy or moist. Also, if the hay is not changed everyday, your pig may be in danger as hay cannot absorb fluids very well.

Aside from these choices, you may also want to consider using paper that has been shredded. Guinea pigs just love the softness of bedding that is made of paper. Through the softness of the paper beddings, they are protected too. If you are worrying about filling the cage with dust, this is a choice to seriously consider since paper will not accumulate or make dust. One thing you need to remember, about the paper to be used is that you should ensure there is no ink in it, as this can be toxic to your pet.

Straw is alright to use for your pet's bedding, but take away those hard straws which may injure your pet.

One type of bedding that is not good for you pet's run is sawdust. This is not a great material because when breathed in or inhaled by your guinea pig, your pet will get ill.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 7 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

More Info on Hermit Crab Food

Answering the nutritional needs of the hermit crab is an essential criterion for proper care of the little crab. However, since this creature is largely omnivorous and has a great variety of food choices, so the food and water supply for the crabs is not a problematic issue at all. The only care that should be taken is that the hermit crab food and water must not contain any toxic or choking elements in them. Another special point to remember is that the land crabs require special nutritional care during the molting phase.

An understanding of the feeding behavior of the crabs is essential in deciding the food for the crabs. First of all, this creature does not eat when he is not hungry. The crab then may play with the food with his antennae and claws but will not take a bite of the food. When they are not hungry, these creatures should not be provided with excess food because the spoilt food will make the enclosure untidy. The reverse of this behavior is observed when this creature is preparing for molting or is plainly very hungry. The crab will then eat voraciously and prepare for the molting stage. Molting is a kind of hibernation for these creatures and they very rarely eat during this time. During molting, the crab especially prefers a diet of vegetables and fruits rich in calcium and carotenoids. The shed exoskeleton is also a favorite diet of the hermit crabs, as the exoskeleton is rich in calcium and chitin. When you have set isolation for the molting crab, do not forget to provide freshwater and fresh food for the molting crab to eat privately (the molting crabs generally come out in the privacy of night to eat and drink).

Land hermit crabs also require freshwater for their nutrition. In fact, the land crabs bathe in a salt water container and drink their freshwater from another container. It is amazing and intriguing to see land-crab drink water by picking the water carefully on his claws and then letting the water roll down to his gills and the mouth. The freshwater provided to these crabs must always be dechlorinated.

The pet store can also be an excellent source of acquiring good food for these creatures. Although there may not be any exclusive hermit crab food, yet the crabs being omnivorous, this problem is automatically solved. What you have to do is to search in the bird and fish enclosure of the pet store and get the hermit crab food that you think the little hermit will like to eat. The zooplanktons, coral deposits, cuttlebones, fish flakes and crushed oyster shells are favorite foods for these creatures. You can also provide the crustaceans with the vitamin-calcium supplements that are found in pet stores. However, remember to crush the food before giving it to the crabs.

The household can also be a supply house of great hermit crab food. A particular delicacy is crushed egg shells that these creatures love to munch upon. The crab favors all kinds of vegetables and fruits, especially those that are rich in calcium and carotenoids. The vegetables and fruits must be chipped to small pieces before giving them to these crabs. Other delicacies preferred by the crabs are unsalted nuts, raisins, leaves, popcorns and grass. You can easily make friends with the hermit crab by offering them the food delicacy directly from your hand.

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วันพุธที่ 4 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Can Ferrets and Dogs Live Together?

Due to their natural predatory instincts, ferrets can sometimes kill your other smaller pets such as hamsters, mice, insects and birds. However, when placed in a disadvantageous situation with a larger animal such as a dog, ferrets can lose out due to their size. However, this is not to say that ferrets and dogs cannot coexist harmoniously. Both animals have friendly dispositions, and there is a high chance that they can live together peacefully. However, there are always exceptions to this theory.

The development of a mutual relationship between ferrets and dogs remains only as a possibility - it is not always definite. There have been situations where a dog welcomes a new ferret into your home, but whether he will bond with the ferret remains to be seen. Inviting a ferret into your home with a territorial dog hanging around can be really dangerous for your little buddy. As a responsible ferret owner, you need to take stringent measures as well as necessary precautions. Always be protective of your ferrets as they have a disadvantage in size against larger dogs.

It is important to evaluate and examine the possibility of your ferret and dog living together in the same house. While there are precedents of ferrets and dogs coexisting peacefully, it is not always the case. When you bring your ferret to a home occupied by dogs, be sure to supervise the pets at all times. Your pet dog must not pose a threat to your ferret.

It is important to note that while dogs are friendly by nature, they are also temperamental. There are some breeds of dogs that want to mark their territories in the house. These breeds of dogs can pose a menacing threat to your ferret, especially the terriers. These dogs are hunters and predatory by nature. Instinctively, they want to hunt down your ferret, so you need to exercise more vigilance in supervising your pets.

Some breeds of dogs are bigger in size compared to ordinary pet dogs. Bringing home a ferret to a huge dog will require you to make plans as the dog can unwittingly hurt your ferret while they are playing. Some dogs are territorial in nature, and they guard their spots with vigilance and determination.

Ferrets, being playful and inquisitive by nature, may want to explore these territories. The dog may view the ferret as intruding on its territory, and it views the small animal as a threat. The ferret will bite the dog in defense, and the dog will react violently. This causes a ruckus and stirs animosity amongst the two animals.

When letting your ferret roam freely around the house, it is good to consider locking your dog up in its cage. This way, you get to enjoy playing with your ferrets without having to worry about your dog threatening them. Additionally, it is important to separate your dog toys from the ferrets so as to protect them from possible attacks of the dogs. Ferret owners are also encouraged to come up with an escape route for the ferrets, one that they can use in the event of a dog attack.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 1 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Chinchilla Care Information Secrets

Like any other pet, Chinchillas must be given special consideration to ensure that they remain healthy and contented during their captivity. It should be noted that these rodents are most active at night, and asleep during the day. Chinchillas are also not recommended to be handled by young children since their fragile bones may be crushed easily. Chins can live up to 20 years, so pet owners should be ready to take good care of them.

Having good Chinchilla care information should help any pet owner in ensuring the well-being and longevity of any Chin. First, pet owners should be wary of the temperature where their Chins are kept. Chins are very sensitive when it comes to temperature, as they cannot withstand temperature of over 75 degrees F. When they are not immediately cooled down, Chins may die. The cage of the animal should thus be kept at a cool place, preferably where there is enough air circulation.

Speaking of cages, Chinchillas should be kept in one that has enough room. These rodents are very hyperactive, and thus any Chinchilla care information should stress the value of having enough space for these rodents to run around. However it is not advisable for these rodents to be placed in an aquarium and even a glass cage since air does not circulate in such types of cages. The ideal size of a Chinchilla cage has dimensions of 2 feet in height and 2 feet in width. The cage should not have big spaces especially on the bottom part since the feet of the rodents may be caught when running.

The diet of the Chin is another priority. Most Chinchilla care information indicates that hay-based diet is the most recommended feed for these furry creatures. Good quality, hay-based pellets are available in most pet shops such as Mazuri, Line, APD, and Tradition. When Chins are given other pellets, they may experience numerous health complications.

Likewise, water should be of good quality when given to Chins. Ideally, water should be purified. Chinchillas are prone to various ailments when they drink tap water. Chins are known to develop giardia which results to diarrhea. Water given to these pets must be fresh. The water must also be changed daily since algae may buildup in the water.

Any Chinchilla care information should also underscore the importance of treats. Treats may include raisins, oats, and cheerios. Treats should not be given more than three times in a week. Too much treats can cause serious health problems like diarrhea and fatty liver. At times, too many treats can risk the life of the Chin. It is also discouraged to give fresh fruits as a treat. Chins also need a dust bath at least twice in a week. The dust bath must be around 10-15 minutes. Dust can be purchased at pet stores.

These are just some of the bits of useful Chinchilla care information that will assist any pet owner that is serious about keeping and maintaining the good life of those furry friends we fondly call as Chins.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Dog Sitting Angels

Angels always come to the rescue when you are in a tight situation. Los Angeles now has angels that specialize in dog sitting services. Dog sitters will baby sit your dogs whilst you concentrate your time on other activities. If you were thinking of leaving your dog when you go away on your vacation, but were not sure about the idea, you can go ahead and enjoy your holiday. Leave the dog with your dog sitter. The dog sitter will take care of your pet such that the dog might not even notice your absence.

The companies that are dedicated to taking care of your pets are spread all over Los Angeles. It is impossible not to find the services of a dog sitter. If you are not sure where you can find them, the internet will be the best place to search. You can also search from the classifieds of the local newspaper. You may be lucky to find a permanent dog walker. This would be a great advantage for your dog, which will not have to keep adjusting to accommodate the strangers that come to take care of him.

The dog walker comes to your house to look after the dog. There is no need to take the animal to a pet daycare as the daycare will come to you. If you are not around, then your dog can stay at home instead of at the boarding kennels. The animal will not need to be stressed by the separation from you and as well as from home. If need be, the dog sitter can stay at your home. Your dog will never be alone.

Dog sitters are angels at helping to keep everyday routines. The dog will not have to constantly keep changing his feeding times as well as the time for his walk. A sitter will make sure that the dog is fed on time and water is provided. The sitter will clean up after your dog such that you will not find any mess around the house.

Dog sitters can also act as house sitters. Whilst coming to see the dog, he can perform other activities that will make you appear as if you are at home. This may include taking in the mail and newspapers. Sitters can come in the evening for their last visit as well as to switch on lights, close windows and curtains. When they return the next morning, they will switch off the lights and open the windows.

If there is a need for the dog to go to the vet clinic or for grooming, the dog sitter will take him there. If your dog needs to be taken for a day out to the woods, the dog sitter can do it. The Los Angeles dog sitting angel will cater for all our dog's needs as you would yourself. Look around for a dog care center which has dog sitting services. You will appreciate that a dog sitter is a Godsend.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 26 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Important to Know - Do Hermit Crabs Shed?

Do hermit crabs shed? This is the question, the answer to which must be known to every new owner of these exotic creatures. In fact knowing the answer to do hermit crabs shed is important because shedding or molting is an important part of the existence of the crab. All hermit crabs molt, although the frequency of molting might vary depending on several factors. The age of these exotic creatures and the crab's adaptability to the cage environment are important factors that decide the molting time for the crabs. Sometimes these exotic creatures molt unexpectedly without any apparent reason.

The molting or shedding is essentially a growing and adaptive process for these exotic animals. It is a natural process of shedding the chitin exoskeleton and growing a new one replacing it. Molting is more frequently seen in small crabs than in the larger crabs. The larger crabs generally molt only once a year, whereas smaller crabs might shed their exoskeleton twice, or even thrice a year. Molting is a long process, as it takes about four to eight weeks for the complete process. Although, this is the general pattern of hermit crab molting, yet these exotic creatures may start their molting quite unexpectedly as well. Any wounds on the crab body or any loss of legs/claws of the crab are also repaired and regenerated during the molting process.

During the 4-8 weeks of molting, the crab becomes highly vulnerable and highly sensitive towards disturbances such as attack by other crabs and any dislocation of their shell by impatient owners. It is for this reason these exotic animals prefer isolation in molting.

During this time, these exotic animals are largely invisible, as they prefer to dig a burrow in the moist sand adjacent to their external shell. All hermit crabs prefer a burrow in the sand for the sake of isolation and cocooning, and the crabs stay perfectly immobile during the whole molting process. Due to this long absence of any movement from these exotic creatures, it is a common mistake of many people to think that the crab has died. Unfortunately, such mistakes sometimes lead to the actual death of these exotic creatures as the anxious/disheartened owner might attempt to remove the crab/crab shell from the enclosure. Any type of external disturbance is completely forbidden while the crab is molting. It is best if you can transfer these creatures to an isolated cage or can set an isolated barrier around it within the same cage. The barrier is set up to provide safety to the crab from other crabs of the same cage. However, food and water should also be provided to these creatures and care should be taken that the molting crab is not disturbed in any way while setting up the isolation. The crab food should consist sufficient of the pigment carotenoid because the pigment helps these exotic creatures to retain its body color.

Another vital aspect to the do hermit crabs shed question is to know the different stages of molting. The molting is a gradual process and it involves gradual shedding of the exoskeleton and the regeneration of it on these exotic creatures. After the molting, the shed exoskeleton of the crab is considered a rich source of calcium for the molted crab and other crabs at the tank. Being able to identify the signs of a hermit crab going into the molting stage is important, because only then these exotic creatures can be gently dislocated into an isolated cage.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 23 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Is a Pet Raccoon a Good Idea?

If you or your family is considering having a raccoon as a pet, there are numerous factors that you need to consider. Raccoons can be very complicated animals and will require a lot to be content in your home.

Raccoons can be a great pet for your family to have because of the amount of attention that they require from you, but this can also be a downside. One of the first factors that you should consider is if it will be legal to have a raccoon as a pet. In most states, it is illegal to own a raccoon, and keep it in your domesticated home. While it is illegal, there are also many states that will allow you to keep a raccoon in your home under certain conditions. When caring for an abandoned raccoon, you are required to apply for a permit from the city.

The next factor that you should consider is that you must find a local San Francisco vet clinic that will be willing to treat and care for a raccoon. Most vets are not willing to care for animals that aren't domesticated such as cats and dogs. Once you have taken care of all the appropriate documentation, you can begin to create a home for your new pet raccoon.

Raccoons are the type of animal that likes to burrow in its home, so you will need to provide ample bedding for the raccoon to use. If you give the raccoon its own space to use, it will leave your furniture and beds alone. Raccoons are also needy pets, so you need to be prepared to spend a lot of play time with a pet such as this. Filling your bath tub up with water on a regular basis will provide ample play time as well as reducing its body odor.

Another important factor would be having your raccoon vaccinated appropriately. Rabies is always a big worry in animals that have been domesticated for pets. Once you have found a veterinarian clinic that is willing to take care of your raccoon, you will need to have your raccoon vaccinated. Most veterinarians will require that you get rabies and distemper shot for your pet raccoon. This will help to prevent any spread of rabies if your raccoon happens to bite anyone. This can be preventative measure to help protect your family in case something was to happen.

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วันอังคารที่ 20 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Habitrail OVO Loft Hamster Cage Review - Description and Information

The Habitrail OVO Loft Hamster Cage review aims to provide you with the description and information of this cage. This hamster cage is one of the many OVO editions created by Habitrail. In the next few paragraphs, I will touch on the product dimensions, items lists, descriptions and highlight a few comments made by customers who bought this large hamster cage.

1. Dimensions of the Habitrail OVO Loft Hamster Cage

69cm (27in) Long
30cm (12in) Wide
25cm (10in) High

2. Items included in this cool hamster cage

Main Base Area OVO Loft Cage
Two Large Orange Windows/Doors
Silent Habitrail Exercise Wheel
Matching Food Bowl
Cozy Hideaway
Water Bottle
Lock Connector
Loft Cardboard Maze

3. Description of the Habitrail OVO Loft Hamster Cage

This cage is made up of 8 items as listed above. The main base area is where your little animal can run about freely. The rounded corners prevents it from chewing the sides of the cage. The two large doors allows you to have easy access to your pet so that you will have an easier time feeding and playing with it. These easy access doors are secured which prevents your hamsters, gerbils or mice from escaping.

Basic items like the silent Habitrail exercise wheel, food bowl and water bottle are also provided. This means that you do not need to get them on your own. It is great value for your money!

Habitrail also provides a cardboard maze for your pets to explore and also chew on it.

Still not convinced this is the cage for you to house your hamsters? Let us see some reviews by customers who have bought the Habitrail OVO Loft Hamster Cage.

4. Comments made by customers who bought the cage


Hamster owners who bought the cage love it because it is very roomy and spacious. The cage is very safe because of the tubes are secured by lock connectors.

In my opinion, it has a good value for money - a big space for a small price. You do not have to worry about wood shavings spilling out of the cage when the hamster burrows because of its high base.

You are also able to have a clear view of hamsters running around in the cage but also giving them enough privacy because of the top of the cage is clear but coloured.

Improvements to be made:

Dwarfs hamsters might be unable to climb vertically up the stairs to the food bowl. It is quite steep for them and is rather slippery. This can be easily solved by placing another food bowl in the cage, where your pets can reach.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 17 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Sugar Glider

This short clip is of me holding the sugar glider we had a long time ago...he died ;( But this video has NO SOUND so don't think there is something wrong with your speakers!

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วันพุธที่ 14 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Understand Your Ferret Facts

If you are considering a new pet addition in support of the family, it is important to look for for a breed exact information so as to will direct your choices for the healthy pet for your house. As well as regards to ferrets, loads of ferret facts be plentiful in the internet that can pretty a lot rally round you control the most excellent technique to initiate your pet to your house plus lifestyle.

One of the largely fundamental ferret information that families be supposed to recognize is ferret sense. As well frequently there are families receiving amazed with the from time to time unexplainable ferocity of ferret aroma. Just think regarding it: humans plus animals are naturally provided with a distinctive sense. It is original instinct for us creatures to know plus interrelate by system of one another by the intellect of smell and the perfume to be familiar with it as well as. Ferrets, love several additional creature, are natural by method of anal perfume organs, and they too have musk glands throughout their body responsible for their odor. These glands are determined nearly the look, production the look the foundation for the sense. There are ferret owners who truly like this particular type of stink, while there are others who cannot endure it.

You can reflect that the smell can only be removed by washing it off or dabbing some cologne. Do not reflect this way, my friend, as this may prove to be very harmful for your ferret friend. Washing it off may only increase that bad stink. Dabbing the ferret his face with cologne is as well particularly dangerous. The musky odor is fraction plus piece of being a ferret; just like their bright plus cheerful personalities. It is shocking that bathing ferrets one time in 2 weeks or less important can detach the intensity of the stench as they have their body oils to wash them plus do the job of removing so as to durable body odour. There are some experienced ferret owners who only bathe their pets a a small number of times a year, except they obtain really muddy or dirty through an exciting round of play.

Every time have the best ferret information as a result you will identify how to right care for your pet ferret plus create sure you follow instructions advised by vets or from the take shelter. In order to by the book care for your pet ferret, it is important to have the perfectly ferret info plus identify how to follow it. Some ferret owners incorrectly believe so as to they can remove the detect by de-scenting the feet. This is in fact incorrect information. The anal smell glands are just in make use of once the ferret "poofs", and will only transformation once the ferret is spayed or neutered. Other than so as to, no supplementary ways can remove that otherwise ferocious aroma.

One method so as to can do the trick is to wash their beds regularly. Include blankets, hammocks, toys, and all other washable items they frequently utilize. as well remember that observance their environment cleanse earnings respectable health and protection for your ferrets. Do not forget to cleanse litter boxes before they bunch or completely dry out.

Ferret facts are at the present easier to obtain online, plus there are lots of other articles which can help you conceal the odor at the incredibly least. A ferret adding up to your house can be an exhilarating plus rewarding experience as long as you are prepared with the well information on how to care for them. Do notify yourself of the true nature of ferrets plus make this your priority, since knowing all you need to identify is essential to help you benefit from their business at the fullest extent.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 11 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Sugar Glider Information

You know it's meant to be, when you set them free, and all they seem to want, is to return to you. Truly Unconditional Love. ;)

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 8 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Learning About Baby Ferrets

Ferret Care

Are you looking to learn all about baby ferrets but aren't sure where to start? There are many, many other ferret enthusiasts who are bewildered by the sheer volume of information available about these lovable pets. Whether you're looking to adopt a baby ferret, living with a person who is simply enthralled with ferrets or just interested in learning more about these mammals, there are some basics you need to know.

Basic Ferret Facts and Ferret Odor

Ferrets are from the Mustelid family and are related to weasels, skunks and otters, and are all able to produce musk. Some countries allow the glands responsible for musk production to be surgically removed so that the odor will not be so strong, but other countries, like the UK and Australia, find such alterations are not really necessary.

Ferrets are mammals that have the ability to produce natural oils that help to keep their fur shiny, smooth and healthy-looking. Washing your ferret frequently can remove some of these oils and you may find that they enjoy regular bathing. Ferrets nails can grow rather fast, so you'll need to schedule regular nail-cutting sessions to keep them in check.

Ferret Colors, Type and Age

When looking for a baby ferret you'll find there are many color options available. There are also different types of ferret breeds.

Be mindful that the younger a ferret is, the more delicate they are and difficult to maintain. But, if you choose to adopt one when they're young, you have the opportunity to give them consistent training right from the start.

As your baby ferret ages, you may find that they will enjoy the company of other ferrets. Some older ferrets, just like some adults, might attempt to dominate the younger ones. Sometimes they will develop little cliques and, therefore, may not be as accepting of any new ferrets you're planning to adopt.

Laws and Regulations Governing Ferrets

Laws and regulations vary from country to country, state to state and even city to city. Make sure that you are familiar with any rules or regulations in your town or city. Some countries don't allow ferrets to be domesticated as house pets, while other allow them but with specific restrictions. When traveling with your ferret you need to be sure you're not going to, or through, places that don't allow them. They could be taken from you and destroyed and you could also face a fine.

Ferret Behavior, Habits and Idiosyncrasies

Ferrets are, by nature, adventurous and curious. They need to be let out of their cages for at least a couple of hours each day so they can roam around and satisfy their curiosity. This will aid in having a happy and healthy ferret. They may actually dance about, in an unusual way. At times it may seem like a fight is about to break out, but usually they're just playing.


Because your baby ferret is naturally curious, you'll want to make sure they are checked on a regular basis. They might ingest small pieces of toys they've been chewing on and cause damage to their digestive tract. Besides that, if you allow them outside, they could become prey to some other animals such as snakes and hawks.

Some Facts on Ferret History

Ferrets haven't always been house pets. Prior to being adopted as pets, ferrets were used for hunting. This was because they were able to squeeze themselves into small spaces. They were highly regarded by hunters in Roman times.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 5 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

What Do Chinchillas Eat? A Quick Guide

If you're getting ready to adopt a chinchilla, or you have one already, it's important to feed the little guy the right foods. Despite being notoriously healthy creatures, they actually have a very sensitive digestive system, so you better start learning what chinchillas eat so you can keep yours as healthy and happy as possible.

Like all of God's creatures, chinchillas need food and water to survive and stay healthy. So let's start with water because it's easy. It's best to connect a water bottle with the dripless spout to your chin's cage. Bowls can be a pain since they can get soiled easily and your chinchilla might tip it over and get himself wet, and you should never allow your chin to get water on him. Make sure you keep his drinking water clean and available at all times. It can be a good idea to give him distilled water, since some tap water contains many contaminants.

Let's move on to food. In their native habitat down in South America, wild chinchillas eat fruits, seeds, plants and even small insects as their diet. However, domestic chinchillas would not be able to survive such a varied diet. Since chins have such a sensitive digestive system, it's best to keep them on a very strict diet that is very bland (poor guys!).

Their main source of food should come from the special chinchilla pellets that you can get at your local pet store. It's important that you only feed them these pellets and don't give them rabbit pellets or anything else that looks similar. Just a small change in the nutrients of their food could disrupt their digestion. Most chinchillas will eat 1-2 tablespoons of pellets a day and this will give them their essential nutrients.

The one problem with pellets is that they don't provide much fiber for your little chin. To fix this problem, you should supplement his pellet diet with hay. You can get high quality hay for your chin from most pet stores, the most common being timothy grass. Stay away from most other hays (some chins may eat alfalfa) and any hay that is dusty can hurt his little respiratory system. Also be aware that hay can get stale and if there's any moisture it can grow mold, which is very bad for your little friend. To get enough fiber, your chin will need about a handful of hay per day. This isn't an exact amount so don't get too caught up trying to be perfect. If he gets full then he will stop eating.

If you ever have to change your chinchillas diet, it's best to do it gradually over time. Mix a little of the new food in the first week, then slowly feed him more of the new stuff combined with less of the old food. This will help his digestive system adapt to the new diet with no adverse reactions.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 4 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Info About Pet Ferret Food

Taking in a new pet can become challenging but only if you lack the knowledge in basic pet care which includes nourishment among other things. If you own a ferret, you should know as much info about pet ferret food as you can gather in order to keep your pet healthy and nourished.

Below are few of the most important info about pet ferret food that you need to be aware of if you want to give your ferret the best possible care:

o Ferrets are carnivores and they have a really high dietary requirement in the sense that they need to feed often. Their metabolism is very fast compared to other pets like dogs and cats so you have to make certain that they do not run out of food in their cage.
o You can buy ferret feeds from pet stores as well as online. If you decide to shop for pet feeds from online stores, you can get a really good deal especially when you place bulk orders.
o There are various brands of ferret feeds so be careful when buying them especially if you have not tried it previously on your pet. The quality of feeds should always be your top priority so as to keep your ferret healthy.
o You should not feed ferrets just anything from your fridge when you run out of feeds. Once they get used to eating store bought feeds, their digestive systems become used to it and would tend to react quite differently if contents are altered suddenly.
o Always read the labels of the pet feeds specifically the nutritional information printed on the back portion. The best feeds for ferrets are those that are rich in protein and have very minimal carbohydrates.
o Avoid switching brands very often. Stick to one brand and buy it by the bulk. If you decide to switch, make sure that it will be long term so as not to cause any distress on your pet's digestive system.
o There are certain diet requirements that should be followed based on the age of your pet ferret. The older they get, the more careful you have to be when it comes to feeding them because they become more sensitive and picky.
o Fat is very important in your pet's diet. Since ferrets are very active, they need all the fat reserves that they can get.
o Avoid feeding your ferret cat food. In the past, it was an acceptable practice to feed ferrets with cat food. These days however, it is highly discouraged to do this because there have been findings on the inadequacy of certain nutritional contents on cat feeds. This means that feeding your ferret cat food would render them undernourished. Since there are ferret feeds in the market already, there is no need for substitutions anymore.
o Treats should be given in moderation because they might not be up for eating their own feeds because the latter taste so much better.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 2 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Sugar Gliders - Some Don'ts You Need to Know

There is a lot of misleading information on the internet about the proper care for sugar gliders, most of this information is not really accurate and some of the diets that you are supposed to give to your your exotic pet are way too complicated and too expensive.

A lot of people are killing their sugar gliders due to lack of knowledge or following bad advice to take care for them. These little animals are really not hard to take care of, but their do required the proper environment, temperature, diet and hygiene.

I have seen some gliders owners losing their animals because of lack of common sense as well, such as leaving toilet bowls open or any other standing water that may be found in a house. Sugar gliders cannot swim and will drown in any container with standing water big enough for their very tiny body to fall in. It includes just about anything as little as a cup of tea.

Some sugar gliders owners have made the mistake of mixing them with other animals of the same size which, however, happened to be animals that either ate the gliders or were eaten by them. If you own sugar gliders, don't put them in a cage with any other animals, it will be safer for everyone.

Those cut little Australian animals are very tiny and shouldn't be left in a house unattended like a dog or a cat. A sugar glider can get lost in thousands of ways in a house. It's OK, to let your tamed glider come out of the cage and play for a while, but you should always be present during these recreational moments and limit its space to one room with close doors to avoid any kind of unfortunate accident.

If you own other bigger pets such as a dog or a cat, make sure that they do not pay much attention to the glider in the cage if you are thinking of letting the glider out of the cage in the same room. Some owners have successful paired up their glider with their dog or cat, but just like people every dog and every cat has its own personality, so this will be on a case to case basis and up to you to be the best judge.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 1 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

The Right Way of Breeding Betta Fish - All You Need to Know About Breeding Betta Fishes

If you have been into fish breeding for quite some time and have a little experience on breeding betta fish, you are probably already aware that breeding betta fish is much different and would require a completely different process as to when breeding any other species of aquarium fish. So in order for you to be able to breed bettas successfully, you will have to follow another process that most experienced betta fish breeders use on how to breed betta fish.

Unlike most common aquarium fishes, betta fishes are more sensitive and have to be treated with extra care considering their violent nature. If the process is not done right, the male betta fish could end up killing the female betta fish if you put them together immediately in one tank. The correct way on how to breed betta fish would begin with having the female placed in a semi submerged jar inside the male's tank. After doing this, the male should start building a nest and should finish within a day.

After the nest is completed, you can now put the female in the male's tank of where the nest is located. After making them share the same tank, the male and the female should then go together inside the nest and start breeding immediately. The male loses its violent instinct at this point and thus, it is safe to have them share the same tank for up to four days. Be mindful not to leave them together for too long as this could risk the life of your female betta.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 28 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Saltwater Aquarium Set Up

A marine fish tank, also known as a saltwater fish tank or aquarium is a fun and rewarding hobby. What makes a saltwater fish tank so exciting and rewarding as compared to freshwater fish tanks is that the variety of fish and plants are much more robust. There are more species of fish and plant life that you can choose from all in a variety of exciting colors, shapes, and sizes. Of course, the beauty of these fish and plant life do require more of a time and money commitment then there freshwater fish friends. In this article, we will discuss some tips that will help with your saltwater aquarium set up.

One of the first things that you will want to do before you get started is some research in order to find out what types of fish and or plant life that you would like to have. You can go online, to your local aquarium or fish store, your local library, etc to conduct your research. When making your fish and plant selections make sure that, the fish and plant life that you choose are compatible. The last thing you want to do is select fish that will eat each other or that cannot live in the same conditions as the other fish and plants that you choose.

After you have chosen, the fish and plants that you want to inhabit your marine fish tank you should choose a proper tank for them to live in. There are a variety of options, styles, and sizes available on the market today. Make sure to choose a fish tank that is appropriate in size for the number of fish you intend to put in the tank. You do not want to add too many fish to the same tank as it will likely result in the death of your fish. You will also need to purchase whatever additional equipment you may need in order to run your aquarium. Be sure to consult with an aquarist or conduct your own research in order to determine what equipment you will need for the fish and plants you have chosen.

The final step in your saltwater aquarium set up is preparing your new marine fish tank with saltwater. After you have made the saltwater mixture, you will need to let the water circulate in the new tank for a minimum of thirty days before you begin to add fish. Once you add fish to your tank you will need to maintain the water to ensure the chemicals are at the appropriate levels and clean the tank about once week on the outside and change out 25 percent of the tanks water every thirty days or so.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 25 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Benefits of a Freshwater Aquarium

Having a home freshwater aquarium is one of the most enjoyable activities on the planet. If you have ever seen a aquarium, whether it be large or small, you were probably drawn immediately to the movement of the fish. There is just something about an aquarium that draws young and old to watch colorful fish swim around in their own little water world.

Water building
In the word, aqua-rium, "aqua" (from the Latin) means water and "rium" means building. A "water building" is, in fact, a very true literal description of an aquarium.

Whys of fishkeeping
People have a home freshwater aquarium for many reasons. The number one reason is probably because fish are fun to watch and it relaxes you at the same time. They are also a way to bring nature into the home. And,in this instance, a home freshwater aquarium can serve as a educational tool to help us understand how life works and to recognize the beauty and wonder of the fish themselves. The more understanding we have of the natural world, the more we value and understand human life and all of creation.

Having a home freshwater aquarium is hobby that can be enjoyed by people of any economic level. As you learn more about caring for fish, It is possible to upgrade to larger and larger aquariums with more and more fish. But, if you can't afford a 200-gallon aquarium, a one- or two-gallon bowl with a couple of fish can still be just as enjoyable to watch.

The great thing about fish is that you don't have to instantly meet their needs in the same way you do with other pets. For instance, you don't have to walk them or put up with fish chewing your couch or other treasured belongs. And, when you go on vacation, a home freshwater aquarium can be left for quite a long time with no maintenance at all. If you do have to be gone for a few weeks, it is much easier to ask a friend to feed the fish than to take care of your dog and cat.

Sit back and relax
A home freshwater aquarium has many health benefits. In fact, there is research going back almost thirty years that proves watching the fish in an aquarium reduces stress and lowers blood pressure. One of the reasons you see so many aquariums in the offices of doctors and dentists is because studies have proven that watching the fish in an aquarium significantly reduces the experience of pain as much as hypnosis. Watching a video or DVD of an aquarium has exactly the same effect.

Alzheimer's and aquariums
Further benefits of aquariums can be found in nursing homes. Senior citizens with Alzheimer's disease have shown many health improvements from the addition of an aquarium to a dining room or rec room. These seniors ate more, plus there was an overall reduction in stress levels, resulting in less aggression.

Aquarium history
Aquariums are not new to the twentieth or twenty-first century. In fact, in China and Egypt, evidence shows that fish were kept in bowls and revered thousands of years ago. Back then goldfish had the most popularity. People started breeding goldfish and by the mid-1800s, big wrought-iron aquariums filled with goldfish were found across Europe. Aquariums gained popularity in the United States at the turn of the century and into the 1920s, the time of the first World War.

Since that time, technology has obviously changed and there now are no limits to what you can do in terms of constructing large and small aquariums with just about every kind of fish you can imagine.

Absolutely the biggest aquarium
Whether you have a large or small home freshwater aquarium, you will undoubtedly reap the benefits of watching fish, with reduced stress and better overall health. Just do a little research on freshwater fish and in no time you could have a thriving aquarium population.

For those of you who think big, the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta is the largest aquarium in the world. If you want to be astounded by nature, this is the place to go. This aquarium has eight million gallons of water and the biggest collection of fish and other aquatic animals anywhere. They have whale sharks, and the shark area alone has 6.3 million gallons of water.

The Georgia Aquarium cost $250 million dollars to build and is now a 320 million dollar facility with a $13 million improvement project. The aquarium opened debt-free because it was a gift to the people of Atlanta and the people of Georgia from Bernie and Billi Marcus. Mr. Marcus was the co-founder of The Home Depot chain of stores.

In the first two years, over six million people visited the Georgia Aquarium. If you love fish and you ever have a chance to get to Atlanta, this aquarium is a must-see. In the meantime, you can't go wrong with any size home freshwater aquarium. Just sit back and relax, and enjoy your fish.

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วันอังคารที่ 22 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Saltwater Fish Guide - Setting Up the Aquarium

If you are interested in starting your own saltwater fish aquarium, then the first thing you need to do is to set up the aquarium. This might sound easy, but there is a lot more to it than simply buying a tank, sticking in a few plants and adding water. Saltwater fish are obviously used to certain water temperatures, pH levels and need various elements in order for them to survive. Keeping a aquarium thriving and happy is a difficult task, but just because you are a beginner, doesn't mean that you cannot learn the ropes! Read this saltwater fish guide for a few helpful tips on how to set up your aquarium.

Before you head off to the pet store to purchase your new aquarium, you should take a list of some of the items you will need to set up your tank and these include: an aquarium, a photo background (optional), live sand or crushed coral, live rock, hydrometer or a refractometer, aquarium filter, multiple power heads, heater, protein skimmer, saltwater test kit, fish food, fish net, glass scrubber, aquarium thermometer, power strip, brush, rubber gloves.

This might seem like a lot of equipment for a fish tank, but a saltwater aquarium is a big responsibility and involves time and cost. This means that you should only consider beginning a saltwater aquarium if you are dedicated, hardworking and know you will be able to put in the time, care and money that a saltwater aquarium requires.

Before setting up your aquarium you need to know just what it takes to keep a saltwater tank thriving. You need to feed your fish every day, once a week you will have to change the water and test water quality and the cost can be significant. You should also note that the complete set up of a aquarium can take up to eight weeks to complete before you even think about adding your fish to the tank. But if you are dedicated and are sure that a aquarium is what you want, and then you are ready to begin the task!

Before starting your aquarium set up, you should do a bit of research on the saltwater fish, aquariums and guides that are available on the internet and in book form. There are plenty to choose from and each one will give you helpful tips and hints on how to set up and maintain a saltwater aquarium. Investing in one or two saltwater books is a must!

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วันเสาร์ที่ 19 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Gold Barb Fact Sheet

The Gold Barb, Puntius semifasciolatus is an excellent little aquarium fish. It usually grows to about two inches long (5cm) although I have seen ones nearer 4 inches (10cm). The Gold Barb is from Asia although the actual Gold form does not exist in the wild. Their usual life span is about five years.

Naming Confusion

This fish has many names. Other Common names are Golden Barb, Schubert's Barb, Green Barb, Half Stripped Barb, China Barb, Chinese Half Stripped Barb and Six Banded Barb. Other Scientific names it has been known by include: Barbus semifasciolatus, Pontius Shubertii, Puntius Shubertii, Barbus Shubertii and Capoeta semifasciolatus.

To add to the naming perplexity, the Gold Barb is often confused with: the Golden Barb (Puntius gelius) or the Gold-finned Barb (Puntius sachsii). The species name Shubertii refers to Tom Shubert of Camden, New Jersey, USA who developed the Gold Barb. He did this by selective breeding, presumably from the wild form of Puntius semifasciolatus, in the 1960's. I remember when I was a teenager keeping fish in the 1960's and later that the Gold Barb was called Barbus Shubertii. It was believed by some people to be a distinct species although there was already a suspicion that it was a form of Puntius semifasciolatus. I do not think that Barbus Shubertiiwas ever a valid scientific name.

Water Conditions

The Gold barb thrives in cooler water than most tropical fish. 18 - 24 degrees C (64 - 75 degrees F) is this fish's preferred range although it will certainly survive several degrees above this and a few degrees below. This means that it is suitable for either a tropical aquarium with the temperature set at 24 degrees C (75 degrees F) or an unheated tank in areas that do not get very cold. It is interesting to note that the color change was not the only change that happened when Mr. Shubert was breeding these fish. The Gold form of the species is a little less cold resistant than the wild type.The wild type is sometimes sold as the China Barb and is a good aquarium fish although not as attractively colored as the Gold Barb.

The Gold Barb likes fairly soft, slightly acidic water, but does well over a range of pH. I usually aim for neutral (7). It will tolerate a moderate amount of hardness in the water.


The Gold Barb is an easily fed omnivore. Any good quality fish food is an excellent basis for its diet. As with nearly all fish, and most other animals, the Gold Barb benefits from the occasional change in its diet. Live food like mosquito larvae and Daphnia are gobbled up greedily. Frozen blood worms also make a good treat.


The Gold Barb is a schooling fish and a minimum of six should be kept. The Gold Barb is not as likely to become a fin nipper as Rosy Barbs and Tiger Barbs, but can be kept with these fish as well as with other slightly aggressive fish like Paraguay Tetras, Buenos Aires Tetras and Colombian Tetras. Because the Gold Barb is peaceful it can also be kept with fish like Pristella Tetras and Rummy Nose Tetras. I would not recommend them as companions for Siamese Fighting Fish, Guppies and Endlers Guppies. Small fish like Neon Tetras and Cardinal Tetras can certainly be kept with smaller Gold Barbs. In all cases, avoid too great a size difference between the fish in your aquarium. Do not put large, aggressive or predatory fish with Gold Barbs.


Gold Barbs scatter their eggs over plants, preferably fine leaved ones. The males tend to be brighter in color and when ready to breed will get an orange-red belly. The females are duller in color and plumper. An increase in temperature to about 27 degrees C (80 degrees F) as well as a drop in pH to about 6.5 will tend to encourage them to breed. The spawning can be a little violent, so the tank should be reasonably big. I suggest at least two feet (60cm) long.

The actual spawning will usually take place when the tank starts to get light in the morning. I suggest removing the parents immediately after spawning. The average number of eggs per female is about a hundred although I have known of a female that produced over 400 eggs at one spawning.

An alternative way of breeding them is to have them in as big an aquarium as possible, with large numbers of plants and leave the parents in. Of course you are likely to get less babies surviving, but this is a little closer to what could happen in the wild. A variation on this method is to put them into a well planted pond in the summer months and catch all the fish before it get too cold in the autumn (fall). The eggs are a yellowish color. They should hatch in 2-3 days. The fry will eat fine dry foods, but benefit from suitable sized live foods at all stages.

Pest Fish

As with all captive fish, do release your Gold Barbs into the wild and do not put them in a situation where they could get out.

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วันพุธที่ 16 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

The Top Facebook Games of 2010

Facebook games have shown a lot of popularity during the past year. As Facebook adds more games to its already huge entertainment menu you may be wondering which games are the best and most fun to play. This article will give separate game reviews for each of the twenty five top Facebook games for 2010.

To start the Facebook Game reviews, we will begin by taking a look at the number one game on Facebook called FarmVille. FarmVille which is made by Zynga currently has approximately 73,800,000 monthly users and is growing at a steady upward pace. FarmVille is a game in which you can become a farmer. FarmVille allows you to interact with your friends and even become neighbors with them. Basically you will do everything a farmer does while playing FarmVille. Planting, plowing, harvesting and growing a successful farm. Just make sure when playing this game that you harvest your plants on time. Different plants have different times for harvesting and if you don't harvest in time the plants will die. By taking care of your farm you will get more points and go up in level.

Birthday Cards holds the place of second most popular game of 2010. Birthday Cards is made by RockYou and has approximately 32,000,000 users per month. When using the Birthday Cards game you can customize and send free cards, use a birthday calendar, have a personal birthday list and personal reminders. The game also allows you too start your own birthday zoo. This is popular for those who want to remember their friend's birthdays and send cards on Facebook.

The third most popular game on Facebook is Café World which is made by Zynga. Café World has approximately 31,000,000 active users per month. Café world is a fun game to play if you ever dreamed of owning your own restaurant. When playing this game you can cook, bake sauté and make anything you want when playing Café World. When playing Café World you are the cook and the restaurant owner therefore you will have to hire servers. When hiring a server on Café World you can select one of your Facebook friends. Make sure to always have plenty of food ready for your guests.

The fourth most popular game on Facebook is Happy Aquarium which is made by CrowdStar. Happy Aquarium has approximately 27,000,000 active users per month. When playing Happy Aquarium on Facebook you will be able to set up your own fish tank. This can be done by purchasing fish and other creatures. Make sure to always feed your fish when playing Happy Aquarium because the fish can die just like in real life. This is a fun game for those who love wish and wish they had an aquarium in their home. The bad thing about this game is that you can't feed your friends fish if you notice that they are dying.

The fifth most popular game on Facebook is FishVille which is made by Zynga. FishVille has approximately 24,000,000 active users per month. FishVille is very similar to Happy Aquarium in which you set up your own fish tank and care for the fish. When you're done raising your fish you can sell them for coins and points. Like Happy Aquarium you will maintain your fish tank or your poor creatures will die.

The sixth most popular game on Facebook is Mafia Wars which is made by Zynga. Mafia Wars has approximately 24,000,000 active users per month. The goal of playing Mafia Wars is to grow your Mafia family. This can be done by inviting your Facebook friends to join you at Mafia Wars. Another goal is to increase your group's wealth and supply your friends with weapons. What it comes down to is whoever has the biggest and the strongest Mafia is the group that comes out on top.

The seventh most popular game on Facebook is Texas HoldEm Poker which is also made by Zynga. Texas HoldEm Poker for Facebook has approximately 22,000,000 active users per month. When playing Texas HoldEm Poker on Facebook it's pretty much the same as playing the game in life. Before starting get familiar with the rules on how to play Texas HoldEm. Texas HoldEm Poker on Facebook can be played between friends.

The eighth most popular game on Facebook is Pet Society which is made by Playfish; Pet society has approximately 21,000,000 active users per month. Pet Society on Facebook is a very cute game for the animal lover. When playing Pet Society you can decorate your house and go to your friend's house with presents. This is a very cute and fun game.

The ninth most popular game on Facebook is Petville which is made by Zynga. Petville has approximately 17,000,000 active users per month. This is another adorable pet lover's game. When playing this game you will take care of your own pet. When you first become a player of Petville you will be asked to create your own pet. The options are endless and the end result is an adorable virtual pet. The goal is to keep your pet clean, well fed, walked and loved. This in turn will create a happy Petville pet for you. This game is very similar to Playfishes Pet Society and other pet based games.

The tenth most popular game on Facebook is YoVille which is made by Zynga. YoVille has approximately 17,000,000 active users per month. When playing YoVille you will be living a virtual life. This game is pretty similar to the extremely popular Sims game for personal computers. While playing YoVille you will be building a virtual life. When playing you can work, socialize; decorate your house or anything else you may desire. This is a fun game for those who like the escape of a virtual world.

The eleventh most popular game on Facebook is Farm Town which is made by Slashkey. Farm Town has approximately 16,000,000 active users per month. Farm Town is very similar to the Facebook game FarmVille. When playing this game you will take care of your own farm. In order to advance to higher levels you will need to plant and harvest crops, invite friends to join you and hire workers to help you with the farm. This is a fun game for those who want to be farmers but live in the city.

The twelfth most popular game on Facebook is Restaurant City which is made by PlayFish. Restaurant City has approximately 15,000,000 active users per month. Restaurant City is very similar to Café Town. When playing Restaurant City you will own a restaurant, create the menu and hire workers. This is a fun game if you are interested in how a restaurant operates. This is a social game and you will be able to interact with your Facebook friends.

The thirteenth most popular game on Facebook is MindJolt Games which is made by MindJolt. MindJolt games have approximately 14,000,000 active users per month. When playing MindJolt you can play over 500 games. The games are arcade style, puzzles, strategy, and so much more. MindJolt is fun for those who want a little gaming variety.

The fourteenth most popular game on Facebook is Happy Pets which is made by CrowdStar. Happy Pets has approximately 12,000,000 active users per month on Facebook. When playing Happy Pets you will grow your kitten into an adult. The object of the game is to take care of as many cats as you can. How many happy cats can you take care of on Happy Pets? If you end up feeling overwhelmed by having too many pets to care for don't be tempted to sell your cats. Happy Pets doesn't like those who sell their kitties.

The fifteenth most popular game on Facebook is RCK which is made by Zynga. RCK has approximately 11,000,000 active users per month on Facebook. This is a fun Facebook game in which you can create your own rock band. Ask your Facebook friends to join and help you create a rocking band. This is a fun game to play for any music lover.

The sixteenth most popular game on Facebook is Zoo World which is made by RockYou. Zoo World has approximately 10,000,000 active users per month. When playing Zoo World on Facebook you will take care of zoo animals and Zoo World cash. When earning your Zoo World cash you can purchase new zoo animals and place them in your zoo. This is a fun way to pass time if you enjoy zoo animals.

The seventeenth most popular game on Facebook is Bejeweled Blitz which is made by Popcap games. Bejeweled Blitz has approximately 10,000,000 active users per month. Bejeweled Blitz is an easy to master puzzle game. The fun thing about this game is that you can compete with your Facebook friends. Many people will spend hours out of there day playing Bejeweled Blitz.

The eighteenth most popular game on Facebook is Fish World which is made by Tall Tree Games. Fish World has approximately 9,000,000 active users per month. Fish World is very similar to Happy Aquarium. When playing Fish World you will care for your very own virtual fish. Make sure to feed them and take care of them so they stay alive. Selling your Fish World fish are a common part of the game.

The nineteenth most popular game on Facebook is Pillow Fight which is made by Shikha. Pillow Fight has approximately 8,000,000 active users per month. Pillow fight is a fun game if you enjoy hitting your friends with pillows. The pillows come in different materials and your friends can accept being hit by pillows are choose not to. The pillow that you choose to use will be posted on your friends Facebook page.

The twentieth most popular game on Facebook is (Lil) Farm Life which is made by Playdom. (Lil) Farm Life has approximately 6,000,000 active users per month. This is another game that is a lot like FarmVille and Farm Town. When playing this game you will create your own farm with crops, animals and buildings. This is another fun game for those who tire of Farmville and Farm Town.

The Twenty first most popular game on Facebook is Sorority Life which is made by Playdom. Sorority Life has approximately 6,000,000 active users per month. When playing this game you can create your own sorority. When signing up for sorority life you can invite friends to join your sorority. Another feature is that you can dress and accessorize however you want. This is a fun game for those who miss their college sorority lifestyle.

The Twenty second most popular game on Facebook is Island Paradise which is made by Meteor Games. Island Paradise has approximately 6,000,000 active users per month. This is a fun game in which you create your own island paradise. When creating your island you can grow crops, add animals or whatever you want on your island. When playing island paradise you can stop by and visit your friends. This is similar to Farmville but for those who love the island life.

The twenty third most popular game on Facebook is Country Life which is made by Country Life. Country life has approximately 5,000,000 active users per month. This game is another one that is a lot like Farmville. When playing this game you take care of crops, the only difference from Farmville is that you can create your own bread for more profit.

The twenty fourth most popular game on Facebook is Country Story which is made by Playfish. Country Story has approximately 5,000,000 active users per month. This is another farm themed Facebook game. This game is great for those who like FarmVille or Farm Town and want to play something different.

The twenty fifth most popular game on Facebook is Happy Island which is made by CrowdStar. Happy Island has approximately 5,000,000 active users per month. When playing this game you can create your own island. The more attractions you add to your island the more your island will earn. This is similar to Island Paradise but with more buying and selling involved.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 13 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Turtle Pets - Setting Up a Home For Painted Turtles

Painted Turtles can make great turtle pets for the novice owner. These beautiful reptiles earned their name from the red and yellow stripes that decorate their bodies, giving the impression that these attractive patterns have been painted on by hand.

Painted Turtles usually live in ponds, lakes, and slow-moving rivers, which have squashy, muddy bottoms. They are mostly active between the months of May and October, when the temperature becomes warm enough for mating. When the winter season comes, they will hide themselves deep in the mud at the bottom of a body of water. The mud serves as an insulator during hibernation, helping the painted turtle regulate its temperature and conserve energy, ensuring that it will not freeze to death during the harsh winter period.

Even though painted turtles prefer to spend most of their time in water, these turtles can be frequently seen on rocks or floating logs, basking and enjoying the sun. Some turtles bask by sticking their noses up, breaking the surface of the water while they are afloat.

There is actually a biological reason for this behavior of these turtles. Painted Turtles do not have the capacity to control their body temperature or generate heat on their own. They are dependent on the sun to help them attain sufficient body heat so that they are able to digest food efficiently. Painted turtles must
normally spend two hours daily in the sun for this purpose.

Painted turtles enjoy a vast array of food, but are not able to ingest food unless their mouths are fully submerged in water. Their diet includes tadpoles, insects, small fish, crustaceans, worms, and aquatic vegetation. Turtle pets can also be fed with pre-manufactured turtle food and supplements, although it is always better to prepare a diet that consists of larger, natural food.

Painted Turtle hatchlings need carnivorous meals, with such offerings as insects, worms, and small fish. Adults require the addition of plant material to their diets. Adult painted turtles also require less food than their younger counterparts, eating only a few times a week instead of every day.

When considering housing for your turtle pets, a breeder tank is advised, especially for the hatchlings. However, should you prefer to purchase an aquarium, make sure to calculate a tank size of at least 280 liters (approximately 74 gallons) per turtle. You should also provide an area in which your turtle pets can
bask or dry off. You can allot an area for this by placing manufactured turtle ramps, which are sold in pet stores, into their tank, or by placing large, wide rocks in strategic locations.

Keep a close watch on your turtle pets, so that they do not become exposed to too much sunlight or artificial lighting. This is important because turtles can be killed within minutes if they become overheated.

You should establish and stick to a regular schedule in cleaning the housing of your turtle, as it has the tendency to become messy. Otherwise, algae and bacteria can grow in the housing, which may eventually lead to illness.

Adult Painted Turtles are usually prone to predators like snapping turtles and eagles, while the younger ones are preyed upon by rats, snapping turtles, and bullfrogs. Be sure that the area in which you place your turtle pets is free from these predators! This will ensure that your turtles remain healthy, and can enjoy
their expected lifespan of 20-75 years!

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 10 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Live Plants Vs Artificial Plants

So you have a fish tank set up and now you are wondering what type of plants to add to it. In my years of owning and maintaining fish tanks I have had both live and artificial plants. Both types are a wonderful addition to your fish tank, and are essential if you want to breed fish.

Live Plants:

In my experience, I have found that live plants are a great addition to any fish tank. They help with oxygen levels, bio-load, camouflage for babies, color in the tank, and are a great food source for some types of fish. You must be sure that you are aware of any fish you might have that like to eat live plants, so that you can pick plants that they will not eat (unless of course you are buying plants to feed them). When using live plants, I like to have a good variety in my tank, so that all levels of the tank are covered (bottom, middle and top). If you have floating plants, make sure that you have them floating root side down. Briar moss and algae are a great addition to any tank that has small babies.

When you have live plants in a tank, you want to make sure that you have good lighting. If you do not have a fluorescent lighting system, you will not see much growth in your tank. In fact, you might begin to see your plants die. So make sure, that your lighting system is capable of allowing growth for your plants.

You also want to make sure that you have a scrubber (for acrlyic tanks) and a razor blade or something sharp (for glass tanks), so that you can clean the algae growth off the sides of the tank at least once a month. If you put your tank in direct sunlight you can expect to see much more algae growth than a tank that is not in sunlight. Depending on what types of plants you have, the amount of fish in the tank, and the amount of light or sunlight the tank gets you will see variations in the amount of algae growth. For example: I have one tank that is a 55 gallon, it has 24 fish in it and a fairly decent amount of live plants in it. This tank almost always has algae growing on the sides of it. Another tank I have is a 35 gallon, with 10 fish in it and almost the whole tank covered with live plants. This particular tank has not had any algae growth on the sides since I have had it. Both tanks have fluorescent lighting and both get regular feeding (twice daily). So you see, what you have in your tank greatly affects the amount of algae growth you will have.

Artificial Plants:

Artificial plants are also a great addition to any fish tank. What I like about fake plants is that you rarely have to clean the sides of your tank from algae. There are now some types of fake plants that look exactly like live plants. In my 55 gallon tank I used to have a bunch of fake plants, and people would look at it and think they were real (they were silk fake plants).

But one thing that I do not like about fake plants, is that they do not grow. I enjoy seeing my plants that I buy grow and flourish with my fishes, and with artificial plants you will not see that.

Artificial plants, are great if you are not planning on spending alot of money or investing a lot of time to cleaning your tank but they will fade in color (unless plastic), and will often accumulate a lot of algae growth.

As with live plants, when stocking a fish tank with fake plants make sure that you have types of plants for each level in your fish tank. It is often hard to find floating plants though, so you might just stick to plants that stay close to the bottom, and plants that will fill in the middle area of the tank.

Which is better?

I have owned tanks with both live and fake plants in them, and I am partial to both. I think that live plants do look a lot nicer, and make your tank look more natural, but you can also find fake plants that do the same thing, and in some cases look even more real then real plants. So when it comes down to it, you just have to make a decision based on your personal preference. If you are planning on investing a lot of time and money into your tank, then live is the way to go. If you do not want to "break the bank" setting up and maintaining your fish tank, then I would stick with artificial plants. You have to remember that a fish tank is a home to your new pet(s), and like your home it needs to be kept clean. There is a lot of hard work that goes into setting up and maintaining your fish tank, but once you get through the hard part it's very painless and easy to do minor cleanings and adjustments.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 7 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Before You Buy Your Freshwater Tropical Fish

So you've decided on which aquarium to buy, been and purchased it, and set it up in a prominent location in your home - what next? Before you rush out and buy your freshwater tropical fish, you need to make sure you have all the equipment necessary. At the very least you need a lid for the aquarium, lighting, heating and a filtration system. It is very important you buy the correct size for your aquarium.

For instance, the lighting needs to be sufficient to light the entire aquarium, likewise the filter must be able to cope with the amount of water you will have, or it will not work to optimum efficiency. Buying a heater which will have to work hard to keep your aquarium at the correct temperature may be cheaper, but will end up a false economy, as it will soon break. If you are in any doubt as to what to buy to go with your aquarium, check with a reputable aquatic dealer.

You will now need to decorate your aquarium. For this you need gravel, and by this I mean special gravel you buy from an aquatic dealer, the quality is important. You also need a lot of it, because you need to cover the base of the aquarium by at least 2-3 inches (5-7.5cm). This will allow the plants to root properly, and if you have an under-gravel filtration system you will need this much to cover the filter.

To complete the decoration you will need some plants, either real or artificial, and you may want to consider some bogwood, which looks attractive in an aquarium, and as it has been treated it is suitable. Do not add shells or coral, as these can hurt your fish, and can also change the balance of the water, as well as be sharp and may hurt the fish. Aquatic dealers also sell other artificial decorations that you may want to purchase. Ensure that whatever you do you give your fish some hiding places.

Next, purchase a net, a bucket, a gravel cleaner and a glass cleaner - these are essential tools of the trade, and will be used often. I would also recommend buying de-chlorinator - tap water may be great for people, but it was not made for tropical fish. All the chemicals which are put in the water are not good for freshwater tropical fish, so the water will either need to be left standing for a couple of days, and be subjected to strong aeration, or have a de-chlorinator added to it.

Finally, purchase some fish food, so that when you bring your new freshwater tropical fish home you have something to feed them.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 4 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Responsible Care for Freshwater Fish Aquarium

Have you ever wanted to have a pet that is something unique, never clutters and messes around in your house, or not that much expensive? Why try freshwater aquarium fishes? It takes a lot of work sometimes especially when changing or filling water on the tank, but it is a gratifying task. It just takes a bit of adjusting and getting used to with this kind of hobby, but due to its relaxing effect as expert say, many people tend to forget this tedious tasks whenever they stare at the fish as they swim lazily.

Some people find taking care of fishes as a pet difficult. The reason behind this maybe is that they lack familiarity or they were not given the right information on the proper ways on taking care of the aquarium as well as the fishes inside, but the truth is, it is not that much difficult at all.

There are several steps to be considered in order to become successful on taking care of freshwater fishes. First step is to have all the equipments to be used on the aquarium or fish tank. One is the filtration equipment, which is responsible for keeping and maintaining the cleanliness and freshness of the water on the tank and you need an air pump to keep the water on the tank aerated and to produce oxygen for the fish or plants inside the tank.

Decorations such as gravel, sand, and plants that can be plastic or real ones, depending on your choice, are great ideas as well. There are also some decorations nowadays made of plastic such as a fortress, vessel, shells and other fancy garlands and some aquarium backgrounds, which are commonly underwater views. Lights also give a very desirable effect on the enhancement of color in the aquarium and gives real plants inside chlorophyll for them to grow. However, beware of putting different decorations inside the tank because it may just pollute the water or just muddle the water inside. Always remember that fishes needs space for them to swim.

There must also be a cover on the aquarium to protect dust or other materials going into the tank. A stand for the aquarium also plays a vital role in keeping the balance of the tank. Other cleaning materials is also important such as a net, chlorine remover, heater for keeping the right temperature of the water and most importantly, fish food.

Some of the best advices is to be careful in feeding the fish because over feeding of fish may result to harm. There are also some people who put too many fishes on their aquarium, do not forget that some fish fights and it might cause inadequate supply of oxygen for the fish and real plants inside the tank if there are too many fishes on the tank.

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วันพุธที่ 2 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

How to Start a Saltwater Aquarium - Important Tips That Are Often Overlooked on New Marine Aquariums

Most people who want to bring beauty into their home often turn to saltwater aquariums. The color an movement of marine fish is hard to beat and when done correctly a saltwater fish tank is truly stunning. However most people are not sure how to start a saltwater aquarium so it has long term success.

How To Start a Saltwater Aquarium That Will Last

The first thing you need to do is select a spot for your tank. Make sure that it is not hit by direct sunlight as this can increase algae growth. make sure it is away from drafty windows or doors because this can cause temperature swings. You should also make sure that it will have a sturdy surface to sit on.

Never set a aquarium on thick carpet where it could easily tip over. Saltwater weights almost 10 lbs per gallon and the weight of the tank and other items can easily push a 55 gallon tank over 650 lbs, this is weight that can hurt or injure if it should fall one some one. If you must put it on carpeted area trim the carpet around the tank so it can sit on the wood sub floor.

After you know where your tank is going to go you will want to put the biggest tank you can fit into the area that you can afford. A larger tank is more stable and will give you more fish options. However if this is your first marine aquarium you may want to hold it under 125 gallons.

The next step is to research and select the types of marine fish you want to keep in your saltwater aquarium. This is the step that people often do after their tanks is set up. But if you do it before you will be able to select equipment for the fish you want and this will give you the best set up possible.

Pre-planning for fish will allow you to identify any problems species or potential aggressive fish. The last thing you want is to put a aggressive fish into a tank full of peaceful marine aquarium fish, the results could be devastating.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 30 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Sustaining Freshwater Fish - How To Keep Goldfish Healthy In Your Aquarium

Freshwater fish are hardy and will generally adapt to most conditions without too much of a fuss. This is why we recommend them to any enthusiast with his or her first aquarium. The Reed fish, the goldfish, the Banjo Catfish and the Bumblebee goby are a few examples of common freshwater fish. These fish can easily adapt themselves to peaceful and clean waters, but not to peaty water. Once you have selected the breed you will then need to work on how to make them the most comfortable. For example the reed tank is not a favorite where goldfish are concerned.

1. Goldfish
These fish love living in slowish and flowing areas. They can survive in a variety of temperatures, but make sure they have adequate plant life around them. Outdoor garden pools are a great place to keep your goldfish, since the plant life would grow there on its own, once you've put in a few. Pools receive enough sunlight and water for plant life to expand. The goldfish is a small colorful fish from Asian waters, and is a favorite breed for small aquariums, tanks and garden pools.

2. Planning the Aquarium
If you plan on installing a very large aquarium, remember water gets very heavy in these. Make sure that your flooring or stand is sturdy enough to take the weight. If you want to keep your aquarium free from bacteria, keep it away from direct sunlight - water and sunlight always do lead to some kind of life form taking root. Keep a stable room temperature.

3. Other Accessories
When you purchase an aquarium you will also need to invest in water filters, pipes, medications, food, heaters, air supply pumps and such. Gravel and plants keep the fish happy, and a few aquarium curios wouldn't hurt either. These could include underwater scuba diver models, ship wrecks and barrels. Filter systems prevent algae from contaminating the water. They cause your fish to get sick and sometimes even die. However they are not 100% foolproof, and you will still need to remove every trace of germs buy water treatment. Use both methods to get an algae and bacteria free aquarium.

Some breeds of fish such as the goldfish can adapt to most water conditions and temperatures, so you probably won't need a heater if you are housing this breed in your aquarium. But remember they need a lot of Oxygen - it is not uncommon to see the goldfish skimming the surface of water with their heads up, gulping in oxygen. Make sure you have adequate underwater plants that give these fish their oxygen supply, and also an artificial oxygen supply unit.

A few simple routine maintenance measures will not only keep your fish in the best of health, but will also keep your aquarium looking pretty.

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